Over the last few weeks, we've seen lots of spoilers for the upcoming Shades faction. Unlike our normal rules reveals and previews though, these spoilers are far from the final product and are still undergoing rigorous playtesting.
In fact, most of the playtest version numbers have already progressed from those that have been shared. Changes include small tweaks to numbers for balance and numerous wording tweaks for clarity of reading. To give you an idea of what’s involved I thought it would be fun to look at two Shades that have already gone through the playtest process!
Version 0.1 (Never Gets Past Me and Tom)
The first thing to notice about Moot is... there isn't a Moonstone character called Moot! This is in fact the earliest version of Snag. During playtesting, Moot and Ruwt kept getting mixed up, so in order to help ease of play their name was tweaked to help prevent confusion. Meanwhile Jobie’s first version is so old that even the software used to create the initial card is different!